Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dandelion Honey

It has been too crazy around here. One day here one day there. It makes planning meals impossible so there has been a lot of eating out of cans. Yuck! But things quieted down enough I was able to get outside for some much needed gardening. But lo and behold when I stepped outside much to my delight the yard was covered in those bright yellow beautiful, only to me tho, dandelions.
So that meant I just had to stop gardening and get to work.

After spending an hour or so picking dandelion flowers and plucking off petals I finally had enough so headed inside. After adding 4 cups of flower petals and 6 cups of water I set it on the stove to boil then turned it down to simmer for a couple of hours. To have a variety of flavors you can add a small amount of vanilla beans or lavender blossoms to the mix.

Once this is complete the water should be a golden yellow. Strain all the solids from the liquid keeping the liquid. Dispose of all the solids. Place the liquid on the burner add 4 cups of sugar and bring to a slow boil. Let it cook like this, stirring occasionally, for 3 or more hours. It will start to take on a dark golden color. To test thickness of liquid, place some on a plate. Once cool it should have the consistency of honey. While the liquid is boiling, clean your jars and get rings and lids ready to use. Now you are ready to fill you jars. Make sure you tighten the lids and let cool. And oui have made hone from those pesky weeds.

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